
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

In winter, Say no to cough, flu and cold!

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

Boil half spoon cinnamon powder in one cup of water.  Let it agitate for two to three times. After that, cover the pan with a lid. After a short time, pour that in a cup, add a spoon of honey. Take this syrup and put yourself to sleep. It is an effective tonic for flu and cold.

[Naseer Ahmad. Abbotabad, Pakistan]

Dear readers! It is very cold these days; this weather is marked by flu, cold and cough. Proper care, if not practiced, makes one to be entrapped by these diseases. However, little caution and prudence keeps us out of the risks of winter. Do not exhibit slackness if you fall a prey to these disorders. Minor negligence may drag you closer to fatal diseases like asthma, pneumonia, typhoid and tuberculosis. Derive benefit from the following suggestions.

Good Tonic for Flu and Cold: Boil half spoon ground (powdered form) cinnamon in one cup of water.  Let it agitate for two to three times. After that, cover the pan with a lid. After a short time, pour that in a cup, add a spoon of honey. Take this syrup and put yourself to sleep. It is an effective tonic for flu and cold.

Quick Remedy for Cough and Runny Nose: Mix honey with ginger juice; lick this mixture repeatedly. Lick before going to bed as well. It quickly cures cough and runny nose.

Sip and SavourTreatment for Cold: Soak one table spoon of indigenous carom (ajwain) in one and half cup of water. After some time, boil that water. Sweeten it by adding some brown sugar when considerable quantity of carom’s extract gets mixed in water. Drink it before going to bed. Drink cooled off, in case you are suffering with runny nose. Drink the syrup while hot in case you have congested nose. It will cure runny or congested nose in three nights. Some people happen to be sensitive. They may add milk to get flavoured tea. Sip and savor the tea. Many homeopathic practitioners prescribe the same remedy for rheumatic fever.

When caught by Cold: in this case, soup of chicken is quite useful. One or two cloves, a piece of cinnamon, a small quantity of aniseed and ginger enhance the taste of soup. Besides, adding lemon to hot beverages like green tea is also useful in this regard.

Do Away With Cough: Sleep after eating some raisin followed by some brown sugar. Besides it, licking mixture of honey, ginger juice and ground black pepper after regular intervals is also an effective tonic to say goodbye to cough. Ginger powder can be used in place of ginger juice.

In Case of Sore Throat: If throat becomes such sore that it becomes difficult even to speak, then mixture of candy-sugar (crystallized sugar), liquorice root and root of betel leaf in equal proportion does the trick. Keep sucking this mixture pinch by pinch. Before going to bed, take two pinches. By the will of ALLAH, throat will get cleared.

Preserve the Fresh Tomatoes: People, who do not have refrigerator, they may put ripe tomatoes in an open vessel. Light a candle; drop the wax of burning candle on every tomato. Do it for all tomatoes. Place the vessel in cool place. Wax will keep the tomatoes fresh for several days. Use the tomatoes after washing wax.

My Tested Medical Experiences   (Asad Ul Haq Qureshi)

Respected Hakeem Sahib! Asalam Alaikum! I have read many old medical books and tested many prescriptions, I have benefited from. Whomever I told got benefited from those prescriptions. I am writing to you all those prescriptions.

I read if dried ginger (sonth) and honey is mixed in ratio of 1:2 and used for some time, forgotten things start returning to memory. First, I prepared this prescription and found it an incredible tonic. Then I improvised another mixture by adding ground black pepper, black myrobalan, Indian gooseberry and Beleric Myrobalan. Use of this product imparted good effects on sexual fitness. Its use for prolonged time yielded relief from nervous disorders, muscular stress and had good effects on stomach, nerves and male sexual potency. Nowadays, I am preparing this product for selling. I am being pursued by many homeopathic practitioners to share this prescription with them. I tell them that I read certain book and prepare prescriptions written in that book, just to evade their persistent questioning about sharing the source of the prescription.

Another remedy that I have tried is 1 part wild indigo (sarphoka) and 2 parts corn silk (makai baal) boiled in water. Its use for several days is good for the treatment of heel-ache and cholesterol. It also tones disorders of lungs; lung abscess and their reduced size. I encountered this problem; went through exhaustive examination and treatment but to no avail. At last, I was cured by the use of this very mixture of wild indigo and corn silk boiled in water.

Mixture of black cumin, black myrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Beleric Myrobalan and ginger powder is a remedy for flatulence described in your book “Kalonji Kay Karishmaat” which I purchased from your office. Use of this mixture provides relief from intestinal gas and toxins of stomach. I have a tonic particularly for overweight people who also suffer from rashes in armpits and thighs in summer which turn to black from red. Use of this tonic makes their armpits and thighs normal. The prescription is: Take two parts of mint (sut podina), one part of carom seed and one part of camphor in a bottle and cork it. Placing it in sunlight for a while would turn the mixture to oil. Apply this oil on affected parts of body.

Make Hypertension Hypo: For the treatment of hypertension, encapsulate onion seeds and Rauwalfia Serpentine in equal amount. Taking this capsule thrice a day; in morning, afternoon and evening or twice a day; in morning and evening will cure hypertension. This prescription has been successful. I advise patients to take one capsule whenever they find need of taking this medicine after they had fully recovered from hypertension.

I underwent angiography in CMH (Combined Military Hospital) Rawalpindi due to hypertension. After some days, I was taken to CMH on charge of hypertension. During my meeting with doctor, I showed him record of the angiography. He cast the file away and rudely asked me to narrate him about my ailment. Due to caustic attitude of doctor, I resorted to homeopathic science and started trying such prescriptions.

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